CVS Health Hubs Could Be an Amazing Value for ASO Employer Clients and Medicare Advantage Plans.
However, CVS' Current PBM Business Has Conflicting Priorities with these Health Hubs.
CVS Health is Opening In-Pharmacy Primary Care Clinics Called Health Hubs.
The Goal of the Health Hubs is to Give Customers Easier Access to Healthcare, Have Them Receive Better Care and All at a Lower Cost.
CVS Health Has Plans to Open 1,500 Health Hubs by 2021 in Boston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.
The Conflict-of-Interest Arises Because the CVS Health PBM Makes More Money the More Prescriptions that are Written and the More Expensive Prescriptions that are Written.
Therefore the Healthcare Providers at the CVS Health Hubs Have to Make a Choice Between Writing a Less Expensive Generic Prescription for a Patient and Lowering the CVS PBM's Revenue OR Writing an Expensive Brand-Name Prescription and Charging the Patient and Their Employer's Health Insurance Plan a lot of Money and Helping the CVS PBM Increase Its Revenue.
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